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Definite Articles in Macedonian


1. -от (the specific one, near the speaker)

  1. Example: Човекот го чека автобусот.
  2. (The man is waiting for the bus.)
  3. In this sentence, човекот (the man) refers to a specific man known to both the speaker and listener. It indicates that the man is in the immediate context of the conversation but doesn’t focus on his exact location relative to the speaker.
  4. Кучето спие пред куќата.
  5. (The dog is sleeping in front of the house.)
  6. Учителот ни даде домашна задача.
  7. (The teacher gave us homework.)
  8. Филмот беше многу интересен.
  9. (The movie was very interesting.)

2. -ов (this one, close to the speaker)

  1. Example: Човеков го гледам секој ден.
  2. (I see this man every day.)
  3. Here, човеков (this man) refers to a man very close to the speaker, either physically present or mentally close (often someone the speaker knows well or is directly pointing to).
  4. Кучево е моето милениче.
  5. (This dog here is my pet.)
  6. Учителов ми помогна со задачата.
  7. (This teacher here helped me with my assignment.)
  8. Филмов што го гледам е многу добар.
  9. (This movie here that I’m watching is very good.)

3. -он (that one, farther from the speaker)

  1. Example: Човекон е многу далеку од тука.
  2. (That man is very far from here.)
  3. In this case, човекон (that man) refers to a man farther away from both the speaker and the listener. This article is often used when talking about something or someone that is far from the immediate surroundings.
  4. Кучево е мало, но кученцето онаму е многу поголемо.
  5. (This dog is small, but that puppy over there is much bigger.)
  6. Учителон е нов во училиштето.
  7. (That teacher over there is new to the school.)
  8. Филмонот што го гледавме беше стар, но интересен.
  9. (That movie over there that we watched was old but interesting.)

Summary of Usage:

  1. -от: Refers to a specific known person or object.
  2. -ов: Refers to something near the speaker.
  3. -он: Refers to something far from both the speaker and the listener.

  1. Masculine Nouns
  2. Definite Article: -от (used for masculine singular nouns)
  3. Examples:
  4. човекчовекот (the man)
  5. автомобилавтомобилот (the car)
  6. Feminine Nouns
  7. Definite Article: -та (used for feminine singular nouns)
  8. Examples:
  9. книгакнигата (the book)
  10. куќакуќата (the house)
  11. Neuter Nouns
  12. Definite Article: -то (used for neuter singular nouns)
  13. Examples:
  14. детедетето (the child)
  15. мореморето (the sea)
  16. Plural Nouns (regardless of gender)
  17. Definite Article: -те (used for plural nouns)
  18. Examples:
  19. книгикнигите (the books)
  20. луѓелуѓето (the people)
  21. автомобилиавтомобилите (the cars)

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