Do you take...
My mother had the same pain. And it wasn't three days. Even if he took painkillers, sometimes it wouldn't go away. She went to the doctor. In the results, a vitamin value was very low. I can't remember exactly which one now though. She then took vitamin supplements. And indeed their pain has decreased significantly. I would also recommend going to a doctor and getting a blood test done.
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It's probably related to a lack of vitamins, because when I did blood tests it turned out that I have a very large deficiency of vitamin D. I use supplements and try to spend time in the sun (that's what they recommended to me). I hope that the condition will improve over time. Sometimes it happens that the pain doesn't go away even though I've taken the medicine.
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My family also tends not to take medication as much as possible. I have this too. I don't use drugs as much as possible. flu vs. I am trying to overcome diseases such as my own immunity. tea vs. I am drinking. The family you grew up in can affect you in some ways.
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