4 replies

Hello, I am Ralph(lebanese), just moved with my wife(serbian) to Serbia. Would like to learn serbian asap.


Hello Ralph. Welcome to Serbia! In this first version of Langoid, you can practice your Serbian by Translating stories, creating your own stories, improving your pronunciation through Read task, and improve your listening in Listen task. For these tasks, it is good if you know some basic words already in serbian but if you are total beginner, you can try Read task and also in Forum where you can see some topics that are translated from different languages including serbian.

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Hi Ralph,

Welcome. Have you studied Serbian so far or did you just start when you moved here? Practice Tasks. Try to translate texts, listen and record audio to start. I will be happy to help you learn Serbian as soon as possible. 🤩

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هلا هلا يارافل، وأهلا بااهل لبنان، سعيدة جدا برؤية شخص عربي هنا، انا هاجر من مصر، اتمنى لك تجربة رائعة هنا.

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Hi Ralph! Welcome to Serbia! Try to practice as much as possible, listen to audio recordings, write down unknown words and of course, considering that you already live in Serbia, try to pay attention as much as possible to what the people around you are saying. You are in the right place here. Go ahead and good luck!

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