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How to memorize words faster using Test Words feature


Every time you open Langoid, the first thing you should do is the test, both words and sentences tests. This way you can refresh your memory of the previous lessons you have learned.

Sometimes during the test, you may misspell some words that you already know, or mix two different words that look almost similar. When this happens, you can use the “I knew this” option when it is available. By doing this, the system will help you to avoid showing the same word again for some time so you can focus on the words you are struggling with.

After answering questions, there will be an “add note” option. In this note, you are allowed to put something that will help you to remember the words faster in your own way. For example, I like to use mnemonic techniques. So when I learned Cebuano from Serbian, I wanted to learn the word “bundok” which means “mountain”. By using mnemonic, I want to find similar words in languages I already know so I can associate those words to “bundok” in my learning process. I found “bunda ok” is the closest word to help me remember “bundok”. “Bunda” means “jacket or fur coat” in Serbian and “ok” is an English word. So the association I made is “it is ok to have bunda on the mountain”. This way I can remember more easily that “bundok” means mountain.

When using this “add note” feature, it is important that you should be the one creating the note. Using mnemonic or other techniques created by other people may seem easier and faster, but it will probably be less effective. You don’t need to create notes for every word, only for words you have difficulties to remember.

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