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How to use Langoid effectively?


If you are new to Langoid, you might not know how to use it effectively for learning a language. This guide will help you along your learning journey.

First, start using the Missions feature. You can find the blinking icon in the Menu on the upper part of the screen.


After clicking on it, you will see a list of missions that you need to complete. Each mission must be completed to proceed to the next one.


When you click on a specific mission, it will show you how to complete it. After completing the mission, you can claim your reward.


When you reach the 'Learn 20 Words' mission, it may take some time to complete. This is one of the hardest missions and it may take a while to achieve, so don't get discouraged if it's still incomplete after several days of learning. Be patient, and you'll get there!


To achieve this mission, you must have at least 20 words in your vocabulary under the 'Know' status.


Here's some advice on how to achieve this:

  1. Before starting to learn each day, it's important to clear all your Test Words first. 'Clearing Test Words' means that when you are doing the Test, the message 'Empty Vocabulary' must appear, and you shouldn't have any remaining reviews for that day. See the 11th Mission.
  2. After clearing all your Test Words, do the Test Sentences. Why do the Test Sentences if it can't affect getting the Words to be in the Know status? Actually, doing Test Sentences will help you practice constructing sentences, and one good strategy to remember words is to learn them in context. So it will be easier for you to remember words if you are learning them in a sentence. Doing the Test Sentences will help you remember some words more easily and make those words in your vocabulary go to the Know status faster. See the 18th Mission how to do Test Sentences.
  3. After doing the Test Sentences, do the Test Listening. Recognizing how the words sound will help you progress faster. Check the 19th Mission to locate the Test Listening.
  4. After doing the Test Listening, you can add new vocabulary from the Lessons, but be careful not to add too many words at once. Five lessons are enough. When you have a lot of new words in your vocabulary, it's harder to clear your Test Words.
  5. Do this every day and you will see how much progress you can make in a certain period of time.

Aside from the three activities that you can do every day, you can also create a story using the Story task.


Don't worry if you think you can't write anything; we have a built-in Translator that allows you to search for word translations to your target language while you're writing your story. Additionally, if a word is not yet in your vocabulary, you can add it by clicking the "Add word" button so you can review it later in the Test.

Where is the Translator located? You can find it by clicking on the "Go" logo image.png below, then clicking the icon image.png and finally clicking the "Translate" button.

Writing a story is a great way to practice your language skills. Don't be afraid or shy; step out of your comfort zone and write a story!


There are also three more tasks available in the app that you can use with stories in your target language. You can use the Read task to practice your pronunciation by reading other stories. You can practice your listening skills with the Listen Task. And you can also use the Translate task to translate stories from your target language to your native language or vice versa.


Do you have problems with grammar? Are there certain things about grammar that confuse you and you want to ask someone about it? Use the Forum.


There, you can ask anything you want and get answers from native speakers or other users who know your target language.


Check if the grammar topic you need is already available under the Grammar & Theory category.


There are many more options available in the app, so feel free to explore. If you have any questions about the app or anything else, don't hesitate to contact us in the Contact & Questions category on the forum. We wish you all the best with your language learning journey and hope you enjoy it! :)

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