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If you want to learn Turkish, I can help you improve your Turkish by making friends and talking under this title :)

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I would be very grateful! So far I have learned a few basic words, greetings such as - Good morning, good afternoon and good evening. And a few more words, but only pronunciation. Could you write that for me in Turkish?

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Of course, if you want, we can study a little Turkish every day. I don't think it will be difficult after learning the words and understanding the sentence structure. Turkish is an agglutinative language. And unlike English, we have the predicate at the end. So you can think of it as Subject-Object-Predicate. For example, "I love you" in English. In Turkish, Ben seni seviyorum" is written as. I (ben), You (sen) love (sevmek). If you understand this sentence structure, we can start with simple words :)

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