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por vs para, when to use each


I keep using por because it is closer to "for" in English, but most of the time the correct word is actually "para". Can anyone explain if there is a rule about this, when should we use "por" and "para"?

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Great question Mega! The distinction between "por" and "para" can be challenging, because both can translate to "for" in English.

Here are the most common uses of "POR":

Cause: When explaining the reason behind an action. Example: "Lo hice por vos" (I did it for you.)

Exchange : In the context of trading or replacing one thing for another. Example: "Te doy diez dólares por el libro" (I'll give you ten dollars for the book)

Duration: To indicate the duration of an action. Example: "Estudié por tres horas" (I studied for three hours.)

Through or By a Place: Indicating movement through or by a place. Example: "Caminamos por el parque." (We walked through the park)

Manner: Referring to the manner or means by which something is done. Example: "Hablamos por teléfono." (We spoke on the phone.)

Here are the most common uses of "PARA":

Goal: Indicating the intended purpose of an action or object. For example: "Estudio para ser abogado" (I study to become a lawyer)

Recipient: Indicating the recipient of an action or object. Ex: "Este regalo es para ti" (This gift is for you)

Destination: Referring to the destination of a movement. Ex: "Salimos para Madrid mañana." (We leave for Madrid tomorrow) Note: you can also say "a" instead of "para".

Specific Time: Indicating a deadline or specific time in the future. Example: "Necesito terminar esto para el domingo" (I need to finish this by Sunday)

Now, here you have a tip for you to easily remember the difference:

Think of "por" as the motive and "para" as an objective: "Por" often explains why something is done, and "para" is used to indicate the intended outcome.

And that´s about it! As we talked before, the difference is very small, but it is a very important thing when speaking spanish. So, practice makes perfect! Good luck!

If you have any questions or something wasn't very clear, don't hesitate to ask 😃

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This is very good explanation. Thanks Sofia!

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