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Upvote, Downvote, and Marked as Perfect


If you like a task, you can click the Upvote button . Or if you find a task with gibberish words or absurd content, you can downvote it by clicking the Downvote button. And if you see a Task with no single error in it, you can mark it as perfect by clicking this button

Once you clicked any of these buttons, it will turn blue , so you will remember the next time you visit the same task again. One user can only either Upvote or Downvote a Task and can only mark one version of Task or its correction as perfect. If you want to cancel your vote or marked as perfect, just click again the button and it will turn back to grey again.

The best version of Task (either the original version or the correction) which receive the most upvote and most click as perfect will be marked as perfect with red color icon  . This perfect version of Task will be used for another task such as Translate To, Translate From, etc.

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