Wh- questions in German
In English, we learned that there are Wh- questions: questions that start with letters wh that we use to ask more detailed questions than we can't by simply making inversion of words in sentences.
We can say for example: Bist du ein Lehrer? ----> Are you a teacher?
but that's the limit of information that we can get with this type of questions - is something that we are asking about true or false
We may want to know why somebody is a teacher, when did he become a teacher and a lot of other questions can come to our minds. For those reasons, it is good to learn Wh-words in German. They don't start with letters wh in German, but they all still start with W.
There are 8 of them:
- Wo - where
- Woher -where from
- Wohin - where to
- Wann - when
- Was - what
- Wer - who
- Wie - how
- Warum - why
The only thing that may be weird here is that we use 3 different types of where - it's just that in German they don't add prepositions from/to, but they have question words that already mean that.
Here I will share examples for each question word:
- Wo bist du jetzt? -----> Where are you now?
Ich bin zu Hause. ------> I am at home.
- Woher kommst du? ------> Where do you come from?
Ich komme aus Spanien. -------> I come/am from Spain.
- Wohin gehst du? -----> Where are you going?
Ich gehe ins Kino. ------> I am going to the cinema.
- Wann kommst du züruck? -----> When are you coming back?
Morgen denke ich. -------> I think tomorrow.
- Was machst du? ------> What are you doing?
Ich mache eine Torte. ------> I am making a cake.
- Wer ist dieser Mann? -----> Who is this man?
Er ist mein Vater. -------> He is my father.
- Wie geht's dir? -----> How are you doing?
Es geht mir gut, danke. -------> I am fine, thank you.
- Warum bist du gestern in der Schule nicht gegangen? ------> Why didn't you go to school yesterday?
Ich war krank. -------> I was sick.