What is the...
Wollen = I want
Mögen = I like
So we use "wollen" if we want something at that timepoint and "mögen" is more general and we use it if we like something in general (not especially right now but in general).
So with hobbies for example you would say: Ich mag reiten. ( I like to ride)
If you want to ride right now you would say: Ich will reiten.
Eliana's explanation is already good.
I would like to add that you can use "mögen" in the form of "Ich möchte" in a similar sense to "wollen". You can compare it to "I would like to..."
So for example "Ich will eine Pizza." and "Ich möchte eine Pizza." both mean "I want a Pizza". However "Ich mag Pizza." means that you like Pizza in general.