Why Good day is...

Why Good day is Guter Tag and Good morning is Guten Morgen if both are masculine?
Hi 😃
That's a really good question!
Like you said both nouns (der Morgen, der Tag) are masculine.
If we want to greet someone we use: Guten Morgen or Guten Tag. So you can see it as an imperative.
In a sentence we would use: " Es ist ein guter Morgen / guter Tag. "
So the short answer: It is "Guten Tag!"

Thank you!! For greetings, what case is that? I can see in the Word Form that both Genitive and Accusative for masculine uses "guten".

Hi Hani, greetings are set phrases ("(Rede)Wendungen") and therefore are not subject to change depending on the case. "Tag" and "Morgen" can have a case when they are on their own (not used as a greeting), but "Guten Tag" and "Guten Morgen" do not have a case.